10 SEC READ The gift of insults
2 years ago
I think that God in creating Man somewhat overestimated his ability. (Oscar Wilde)
"At a North Carolina facility shared with Wake Forest University, Jentsch works
with a colony of more than 450 vervet monkeys in what he described as
noncoercive and painless memory tests, DNA samples and scans. He said 10 or
fewer of the animals are put to death by injection each year, so that
researchers can conduct postmortem exams. At a UCLA lab, he administers
methamphetamine to about two dozen monkeys and then withdraws them from it;
about half a dozen are killed each year for postmortems. He contended that the
animals suffer no pain from the work."The pain in addiction is when you lose
your relationships, lose your children, lose your job, when your health goes
down. Animals don't suffer those things," he said. "They suffer none of the
psychosocial pain that is what addiction is all about."
Eric Gateley and Bella, a 2-year-old boxer, waited quietly until a
volunteer called out his name. Gateley, 40, lost his job as a construction
manager in June and has been living in a motel with his wife and 9-year-old son
since January. Relatives in Texas have been sending money to help them cover the
bills.He has been trying to make his son believe that their motel stay is an
adventure. They swim in the motel's pool. They get McDonald's and curl up in
front of the TV on the weekends for movie marathons."My wife and I, we have to
put on a front for our son," Gateley said.
There's a certain relief in coming for free dog food. "With Bella," Gateley
said, nodding to the caramel-colored dog at his feet, "I don't have to fake
In the book he argues that aerobic exercise is the best way to condition the body -- better than (then-popular) calisthenics, weight lifting or better anaerobic exercise such as sprints and drills. He wrote that aerobic exercise like jogging or swimming, done frequently and with enough duration, "improves the overall condition of the body especially its most important parts, the lungs, the heart, the blood vessels, the body tissue, building a bulwark against many forms of illness and disease."What troubles me about a quote like this is what will most likely be (and probably has been) the average reader's "take-away"--that aerobic exercise is better for you than weight lifting and anaerobic work like "sprints and drills." However, the key here is "done frequently and with enough duration" + "overall condition of the body" such as "lungs . .heart . . tissue" etc.