Monday, August 24, 2009

Too Busy for This Blog

Not much time available to post on my own blog right now because I've got three little foster pit bull puppies living in our home, and they are proving to be a 24/7 responsibility!

I am however blogging about them everyday, so please visit our Buster Foundation Pit Bull Rescue Puppy Blog in the meantime to view updates, new pics, and the live puppy web cam!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Summing it Up: Teaching Turnover

Yep, I'd say this hits the nail on the head with the current state of the teaching profession and my generation's dashed hopes of really "making a difference" in the classroom.

The big takeaway, which the author quite effectively states, is the following:

"A teacher with experience is not always a good teacher, but a good teacher is always better after a few years of experience."

The public really needs to understand that the "token few years" that some bright-eyed, bushy-tailed Teach For America college grad with great SAT scores puts in in "the urban classroom" just ain't gonna cut it. Because, despite what everyone who's never done it firmly believes, teaching really is a profession. . . . not a stepping stone for outgoing, smart folks who've seen Stand and Deliver and Dangerous Minds too many times.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Climb: Check!

Well, I can't say I was too impressed with the Outer Banks, or "OBX", after spending this past week in mosquito-infested Nag's Head. However, at least I can say I climbed the tallest lighthouse in the United States now!

Word to the wise: Pop some Dramamine for the climb back down the stairs. 240+ narrow spiral stairs ain't much goin' up, but it's a vertigo extravaganza going down!